

Why Meblens office and business furniture exceed expectations of their owners?

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For home and office

We have experience in manufacturing furniture for study and work both at home and in the office. This can be a table for a student, a set of furniture for a bank branch, the reception of a dental clinic, or a beauty salon, etc. We take into account the needs of the customer and adhere to the general style of the room

Мебель для гостиной

We create design projects independently or we implement the client's project

Our specialists have big experience in designing furniture for offices and are well acknowledged on rules of work space organization. We also manufacture furniture based on ready-made design project

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High quality materials only

We use premium European fittings of high quality only. And we process every detail with the utmost care. You never have to worry about the durability of our furniture

Мебель для гостиной

Wide range of materials

Our specialists have extensive experience in working with a variety of materials: wood, stone and wood veneer, natural and artificial stone. We independently mill and paint facades in more than 2,500 shades

Design project for your future workplace

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Офісні столи на замовлення

Custom designer furniture for the office

Custom office furniture’s popularity is increasing among businesses and educational institutions. People who value the work of their employees know how much of their productivity and health depend on the ergonomics of the workspace. Inconvenient drawers, incorrect height of the work surface, lack of ability to organize all the documentation or other materials can significantly complicate the work. Our specialists will help you organize your workspace properly.
In addition, the furniture in your office should make a proper impression on the company's clients: be high quality, reliable, maintain the overall corporate style.
Meblens company manufactures any kind of cabinet furniture per order: for home, office, hotel, educational institution, or bank.
More and more entrepreneurs in Lviv prefer to buy custom-made designer furniture manufactured accordingly to individual sizes and styles.

Correctly equipped workplace - the key to success of a business person

The modern rhythm of life requires maximum optimization of your time and resources. Modern technologies allow you to work fully, even at home. The number of requests for home workplaces is rapidly growing. Our specialists will advise you on how to choose furniture for a comfortable and modern office. We have experience in equipping the workplace both in home, and office, as well as manufacturing furniture for the student.

Якісні офісні меблі Львів
Дизайн офісного приміщення

Main advantages that custom-made office furniture has:

    Unique design, the opportunity to choose decor in company’s corporate colors
    The most ergonomic product
    Total compliance with the planning and design project
    Total compliance with the planning and design project
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