Kitchen with an island: peculiarities and content
A kitchen island is a separate part of a kitchen which, as a rule, doesn’t touch walls. It can be of different shapes and is used with a specific purpose. In many cases it is of a rectangle shape and is used as an additional working surface and a storage place.
Для дотримання загальної стилістики, зазвичай, використовують ті ж матеріали, що й для основного гарнітуру. В такому разі він виглядає логічним продовженням кухні. Але можна використовувати й інші комбінації стільниці та фасаду, виділивши острів як акцент. Розглянемо кілька прикладів з нашого портфоліо:
A countertop and sides from Lapitec.
A postforming countertop and chip board sides.
An island consists of two parts. A big one: a countertop and an HPL side. A smaller one: a Laminam countertop and a Cleaf chip board side.
It depends on a client’s needs and a kitchen space organization. The most popular decision is drawers with space to store utensils or products. More complicated option is to locate home appliances and a sink. In this case, all utility systems should be established at the stage of preparation work. That’s why we strongly recommend designing a kitchen as early as possible! The examples of diverse functional of our works:
An island has store drawers and simultaneously is a dinner table.
A multifunctional island with drawers, an oven and induction cooktop. There is a hob with filtration above the island (it shouldn’t be connected to ventilation ducts).
An island with a sink, power outlets, drawers and dinner zone.
Useful Tips
If you want to place the cooktop on the island, there are several options for hoods (ceiling, integrated into the worktop or integrated into the cooktop itself). And the option of the hood with filtration will avoid additional problems with ventilation (example is in the photo above).
An island, even a small one, takes up space, in addition, space is needed to comfortably move around it, so, it is desirable that the room is 15 m2 or more. But it's all individual. You can combine the island with a dining table or make an additional level of the tabletop or its overhang (according to the principle of a bar counter).
When people of different heights live in a house and they both cook, then you can make the main counter and the island’s worktop of different heights. It will be comfortable for both.
If you have doubts about kitchen design, our specialists will be happy to help! Over 14+ years, we have designed and implemented hundreds of kitchens of various configurations. We work in Ukraine and abroad!